Forgotten Piece

 A Method that Works

While going through a file of game PDFs I found a document I didn't recognize. I opened it and started reading the beginning of a short story I only vaguely recalled working on. There was language in it that amused me, and some turns of phrase that amazed me.

It was as if I was reading a new work by my favorite author. Unfortunately, the bast*rd didn't finish it, or leave any notes about where it was intended to go. So, basically, I found an elaborate story prompt.

I've decided to read it carefully and see if I can either recapture the thread, or come up with a (potentially) new conclusion. I do recognize the world it's set in. A few years ago I published a short story in the anthology Joining Forces, edited by Jessica Augustsson, called "Second Contact." That story was about the people who clean up after First Contact between species goes bad.

The new story is called "The Solon." It takes place aboard a luxury star cruiseship. The protagonist is a travel writer with pretentions of living the class he visits vocationally. I seem to be leading to a mystery, but I don't know the final solution so that might have to be dropped.

I've followed this process before. My most recent story sale, "Late Gwennyth" for the short story collection Behind the Shadows II, edited by Sara Jordan-Heintz, was first written about two years ago. I forgot it and stumbled across it in much the same way as "The Solon." At least the author had the good sense to finish a first draft this time (way to go, past Pat). Several drafts and abandonment of android rehabilitation methods later I was ready to send Gwennyth out into the world.

I hope Solon finds a similar success.


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